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It starting to feeling a little like Christmas🌨 🎅🤶⛄️

The roads alongside Orchard Road have started to line themselves with Christmas lightings . The mall have already dressed up to bring about the lovely festive spirt. I am writing this on the 6th of December, that's less than a month or 19 days or just over 438 over hours before Christmas.

I love this special feeling of Christmas . To me, Christmas is the celebration of the family and friends. Christmas gives me something to look forward to no matter how rocky the year has been. Christmas is round the corner and we are all in high spirits and ready to party our friends taking a day or two off from work to spent time with our family.

The cakes last Christmas was a hit. 🙏 This year, we plan to do a larger selection of cakes, all inspired by the holiday spirit ☃️. Hopefully , I do have an opportunity to do so.

Nevertheless , it is also a time to thank everyone who in one way or another that has made my journey this year in baking a memorable one. 🙏☺️

Merry Christmas everyone !!!🎉

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